Design Your Popp Bases

We would like to continue to see this line grow, the next base we are designing is a 1" x 2" base with the label plate on the 1" length but we are open to people suggesting new sizes. If you have a base size you would like to see made, let us know by sending us an e-mail. We do ask a couple of things before putting forth the design.
1) We will need at least 50 on order (either from you or by a combination of other users). We will get you a cost be base when you provide us with the size and numbers you would like to receive.
2) Time. Each design will need to be created and molded. This process should take about 1 month to get ready.
Just send us an e-mail to this address and let us know about any sizes you would like to start getting designed:
In the E-Mail include: Width and Length (in either US Standard (inches) or metric (cm))
The side you want the lable to the located
How many you would like to order in your first order.