News Archive:
25 March 2020-
Added more pieces to our new Heroes Hoard terrain pieces, two different fountains. The desert fountain lended itself well to being cast in all three scale we like to create here at MKP. We are sorry to say that the Ale Maid Fountain was not castable in 6mm scale, but it looks great in both 15mm and 28mm scales

- Desert Fountain: 6mm / 15mm / 28mm

- Ale Maid Fountain: 15mm / 28mm
24 March 2020 -
- More fun at home! First, let me assure you that we will continue to work through this time of crisis and since MKP is a home (ok, backyard) production company we have the ability to cast and make molds. Therefore, you will continue to see more items released as we can finish new images and webpages. We will happily be taking and shipping orders as long as the USPS continues to operate.
- Might I also suggest, for some gaming socialization, check out for some social interaction with fellow gamers around the world. You might even find some MKP discounts out on the site.
- As for what is next for MKP, we recently remaster/remolded the classic 25/28mm Early American Buildings.
19 March
2020 -
- As I said, lots of spare time. Time to reach back into the old Scenic Effects vault! We have expanded our available latex with the latex field pieces! Many sizes are available either as sets of as individual pieces. Check them out!
18 March 2020 -
- Well, in the middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic, MKP has been "Social Isolated", so what better time to start catching up on the products that have been sitting waiting for me to have time to get them online. Today, starts the next month of new items being posted to the website. First in the list, our first offering from Stender Studios, 28mm Barrels. Four different barrels are now available, including barrels with holes and barrels leaking fluid.
- 15 Feb 2020 -
- We are back from our hiatus! Michelle and I have two teenagers are we always seem to be on the way to one place or another. Add to that some shuffling at MKP. But all is well here, everyone is healthy and YES, we are still in business. On top of it all, we have started to add a new aspect to our casting skills, 3D printing. Check out our Hero's Hoard items and coming soon items from Stender Studios
- 11 June 2019 -
- Wife caught the first issue, returning users who might have bookmarked old pages and keep cookies on your computer, might need to "refresh" your bookmarked pages to find the new options at the top of the screen
- 11 June 2019 -
- Well, that was fun. We would like to apologize to any of our customers who were confused by odd looking ads at the bottom of our pages. It appears someone was having fun playing around with our site. After a minor rebuild, our site appears to be back up and running. Two changes you will see:
- No more odd ads at the bottom of some of our pages (if you see any we might have missed, please let us know)
- A more "smartphone" friendly way of shopping for our product lines. At Enfilade we were shown how our pulldown menus did not function very well on "Smart Phones".
We continue to work on our site when we have the opportunity.
Ah, one more thing! The Aquatic Animals Page for our 25mm Animals line appears to have never been connected. Well, now it is, so enjoy our selection of 25mm Aquatic Animals

27 May 2019 -
- Well, Enfilade is over! It was a great weekend hanging out with old friends, making some new ones. We discussed some new ideas with people.
- The new snow mats were a hit, as were the new Eastern Front Bunkers, both of which will be hitting the website soon.
- The new drift markers for Galactic Knights were a hit. Again, coming soon to the site.
- Overall, a great weekend was had by the entire crew, but now back to our normal jobs and MKP
- Is our primary drive right now, we have several venders look for orders to be fulfilled over the next few weeks but we are making great headway to complete another full collection of MKP terrains, miniatures and supplies for the show! See you there
- 21 March 2019 - Several Things...
- The news of our death, illness, and/or unemployment is in error. We are still here and kicking! Although we have been a few hands short this year. This has put us a little behind concerning mat production, but we have been focusing of remastering several of the older Scenic Effects items and producing several newer items
- Raising teenagers is a challenge and time consuming event that has led to my delay in several aspects of MKP. Although being an Uber Driver for my kids is something I will not be trading in anytime soon. This just means that some of my previous MKP schedules are a little behind.
- Due to a Vulcanizer crash, we have gotten behind remastering some pieces, but I am happy to say, with some help from a good friend, we are back up and running! Vulcanizer is running almost every weekend and new molds have been seen around the shop again. If you have any requests, let us know, we will see what we can do
- 06 Aug 2018 - Spring cleaning...... or more like, oh crap electrical short, need to clear out some stuff to get to the outlet, but either way, we found some stuff stashed away. So, I just put them out in the "Flea Market"
- 20 July 2018 - For the third year, MKP happily help organize and partially sponsored the Enfilade Painting Competition, this years were are shown here
- 21 November 2017 - Like I said, a week off from school gives me some time to work on new items. These have been sitting on the shelf since the summer, and a few on the painting table. Now they are available to you. Split Rail Fences! in 28mm scale. I use them for Desperado, but they would work great for most 28mm games.

- 20 November 2017 - Happy Thanksgiving week. As Michelle and I continue to get a little extra time. Remember, MKP is our second job. We have several new items coming up. The mold are done and the sample are coming out. Here is the first of the group. 1" Corduroy Roads! These were designed to match the 1" roads we already make. If you have any questions, please contact us using the e-mail link below.

- 20 July 2017 - Ok, Been awhile. Between softball, kids and school, things got kind of chaotic over the last couple of months. But, we are back up and running. The lastest release is 6mm Villages designed specifically to fit into our 1" latex dirt roads. We are currently also working on 15mm Early WWII Eastern Fortifications (Specifically Poland 1939), 1" Corduroy roads in latex, and remastering some of the old Scenic Effect lines. For now, take a look at the new villages and let us know what you think through our Facebook site.

- 24 Feb 2017 - Getting some more example figures painted in the evenings, most recently, Moro Troopers!

- 18 Feb 2017 - We have just finished all of the molding and preliminary cast on our two newest large terrain, the 28mm Trench System. This system was designed and mastered by Company B miniatures with MKP handling the molding and casting of the system.

- 13 Feb 2017 - Just another short evening at the computer, finally had the chance to finish posting the last piece of Ray Sams 6mm North Africa Buildings, the Mosque.

- 12 Feb 2017 - Slow weekend, HTML speaking but got a few things off the back burner and onto the site. New Table and Chairs image (sometimes you just look and have to ask yourself, why in the WORLD did I put that online!), finally getting some of the Moros painted including the primer on some Weapons packs (more painted Moros should be done this week) and off the painting table was a project for myself, that I think many of you might be interested in, Gates for the classic Scenic Effects Walls. I have two more gates in work, this is just the first one. I also noticed that the wall pictures are a little out of date, I will be starting on some images for that as well. Thanks for all of the positive messages through Facebook, it does make things easier when I know people are actually visiting.
- 08 Feb 2017 - Two new Mounted Indians released for the Desperado line of miniatures, along with new images for most figures uploaded. Check them out HERE!

- 07 Feb 2017 - New Images of French Foreign Legion Posted tonight. Check them out, Here!
- 05 Feb 2017 - As part of the upgrade, we discovered that the basic Howard Hues Colors were not uploaded, this has been done now, so enjoy 27 more paint colors!
- 04 Feb 2017 - New Website in work. The MKP site is getting a facelift in the hope of helping you find everything you need for your gaming table quicker and easier. Please bear with us as this might take a while propogate and rebuild all of the pages for our products. Find something has disappeared? Please let us know, it is our intention to keep every one of our products available during and after this reconstruction.